Saleh Njohole

Always be inspired in your life.

My Life

What goes around is what comes around.


Be happy this moment because this moment is your life.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Introduction to Computer



 Introduction to Computer

Computer is an electronic device which can take in data, process, and store and output data at a very high speed or Computer is an electronic device which can execute instruction at very high speed or Computer is a combination of hardware and software.

Types of Computer

There are four types of computers. These are categorized in accordance to their sizes and functions they perform. These includes:-

1.     Super Computers

These are the most powerful computer in terms of performance and data processing. They are used for specific tasks (Weather forecasting, Nuclear weapon testing, and Earthquake studies). It was firstly discovered in 1964.  They are most expensive computers and fastest


2.     Mainframe computers

These are large computers hence accommodated in air conditioned room. They process large amount of data.


3.     Minicomputer

These are small computers with small processing and data storage capabilities. They are designed for many users for specific purposes like monitoring production process.


4.     Microcomputer

These are widely used and most growing group of computers. These include:- Desktop computers, laptops, personal digital assistants –PDA, tables and smart phones. These are the smallest and cheapest computers. These are general purpose computer.


Functions of Computer

Computer performs four main functions, namely:-

1.      Input Data      

2.      Store data

3.      Process data

4.      Output data




Parts of Computer

Computer is divided into two main parts. These are:-

1.      Hardware

These are physical parts of computer. The parts of computer that you can see and touch. Examples of computer hardware includes: - Monitor, System unit, Keyboard, Mouse, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Printer, Scanner, Speakers and Mice.

Hardware are categorized into four groups depending with the function it performs. These are:

a)    Input devices

These are the devices which are used to enter data or instruction to computer. Example of input devices are: - Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner, Camera


b)    Processing devices

These are the devices which develop and execute data before being extracted. Example of processing devices is: - Centro Processing Unit and RAM.


c)     Storage devices

These are the media which are used to store data. The data can be stored either temporarily or permanently for further uses. Examples of storage devices are:- Hard disk, Flash disk, Memory card, magnetic tape and Compact Disk or Digital Video Disks


d)    Output devices

These are the devices which are used to present information to the user. Example of output devices includes:-  Monitor, Printer, Projector, speaker and headphone

All computer devices are controlled by computer operating system through drivers (Small Computer instructions). These instructions come with operating system or device disks.

The following are the hardware and other peripheral that need detailed information for development of Good End User of Computer. The Hardware are:-

i)                   System Unit

System unit is the processing device in the computer system. This is referred as the heart of the computer. All processing activities is done here. Moreover, all other devices like input devices, storage device and output devices are connected here. The System unit comes in two types, namely:- Desktop and Tower case

System unit is composed of the following components:-

            Computer Case         This is sometimes referred as Computer Chassis, Cabinet, Tower,   

Box or Housing. The main functions of computer case are: To provide protection and supports internal parts of the computer. It also act as cooling system of the internal components through vents.

            Power Supply                        This is the other component which is enclosed in the computer

Case and part of system unit. The role of Power supply is to convert Alternate current (AC) to direct current. It has to supply enough power to support all components that are currently installed.

Power supply has connector which connect internal parts like optical drive (Hard disk) and Motherboard,


Motherboard             This is the main printed circuit board. The main board contains the following components:-

·         Buses which are used to travel data to different parts

·         Central Processing unit –CPU which is the main processing devices. It does all logical and arithmetical calculation.

·         RAM (Random Access Memory) which is the resources for the loading Operating system and running of other software.

·         Heat sink which is the cooling system of the central processing unit.

·         CMOS battery

·         Port (Connector) which connect system units with other devices. The ports include:- Universal Serial Bus –USB, PS/2, Audio Port, Network Port –RJ 45 port, VGA, Serial and Parallel ports.


ii)                Monitor

This is the computer device which is used to present data in a display unit.                         It is one of the output devices. There are two type of Monitor which are:-

o   Cathode Ray Tube Monitor – The old model display which takes large computer desk.


o   Liquid Crystal Display – The new technology display which cover lower computer desk

The Monitor Consist of the following parts

o   Power Button which allow electrical flow in the system

o   Screen which is the window where data or information are displayed. The screen determines the size of the Monitor. It is measured in inches and diagonally.

o   Ports which connect to system unit for signal and connect to sources of power.

o   Controls which are used to adjust brightness, contrast and position


iii)                Keyboard        

This is the data input device. The devices which is used to enter letters,

numbers and symbols in the computer. Apart from entering data, it is also used to enter different commands and arrange documents. There are two types of keyboard, namely:-

o   Standard Keyboard: This is identified for having functional keys form F1 to F10

o   Extended Keyboard: This is identified for having functional keys from F1 to F12.

The keyboard is divided into three parts, which are:-

o   Alphabet

This consists of alphabets (A to Z) and punctuations marks like question mark, full stop, exclamation marks etc


o   Numerals

This consists of digit 0 to 9 and mathematical operation


o   Functional Keys and Other keys

This consists of functional keys and other key

                                    Keyboard is connected to the system unit through USB or PS/2 port.

                                    Any beginner should be familiar with the following keys:-

Shift                Is used with arrow keys to select document in desired direction. Shift + arrow key

                        Is used with Letter to make block Letters. E.g. Shift + a=A

                                    Tab                 Move the cursor in equal distance

                                                            Used to arrange paragraph

                                                            Used to add number of rows

                                    Caps Lock      Is used to make block letters

                                    Enter              Is used to break line.

                                                            Is used to separate paragraph

                                                            Is used to confirm acceptance or denial of event

                                                            This is the largest key on the keyboard.

                                    Space Bar       It is the widest key on the keyboard

                                                            Is used to create space between characters or words

                                    Arrow Keys   Is used to move cursor within the document

                        Is used to with Shift to select document starting from either

                        Direction. E.g. Shift + Arrow key

Backspace      Is used to delete characters at the back (Left hand side of the cursor.

                        Is used to arrange document.


Delete              Is used to remove selected text and can also be used to remove text at front of the cursor (at the Right Hand side of cursor).           

                                    Home              Is used to move cursor to the beginning of the line.

                                    End                 Is used to move cursor to the end of the line.

                                    Page up          Is used to move long document up

                                    Page down     Is used to move long document down.

Ctrl                 Is used with other keys to perform a certain commands like Ctrl+Escape to open start menu, Crtl+b to bold etc

                                    Alt                   Is with other key to perform particular commands.

Eg At + Crtl +Delete to perform kill commands.

Escape            Is used to remove popup menu or menu

                                    Flag                 Is used to open start menu

Functional Keys are used are used either alone or with other key to perform commands. It is used also to during setup of system.

Numbers are used to create numbers and perform mathematical operations (Like /, *, +, -). Numbers are permitted to be displayed using Num Lock.

iv)                Mouse     It is device that controls the movement of cursor or pointer.

It is used to point, select, Open/Run, Move and change shape of object. It is input device.


Mouse displays pointer that has different shape depending on the work it perform or environment. Example of Mouse shapes are shown below:-


The mouse consists of one to three buttons. These buttons are Left button because it is in the left position, Right button because it is in the in the right position. The scroll button which is used to move page up and down.


The presences of Mouse brought the use of the following technology:-

Click:              Press and release the left button once and quickly.

                         This command is used to select object.


Right Click:   Press and release right button once and quickly.

This command is used to open shortcut menu or popup menu


Double click:  Press and release the left button twice and quickly.

This command is used to run or open program, folder or file.


Drag and Drop            Press, move and release left button.

                        This command is used to move icon, folder, file or program


Mouse is connected to system unit using PS/2 or USB port. Some mouse has no code thus codeless and so has access point and battery.


v)                Uninterruptible Power Supply

This is a device which is used to regulate amount of electricity getting into the computer as well as storing charge in case of electrical shortage. It is capable of changing Alternate current (AC) to Direct Current.  Thus, UPS are used to:-

·         Protect data and computer

·         Provide short term power when input power fails

The UPS consists of the following parts:-

Power Button:                      The button is used to switch UPS on or off.

Rechargeable Battery:          It is internal component of UPS which is used to store charge in case of power failure as well as conversion of AC to DC.

Ports:                                      These are connectors which are used to connect other computer devices to UPS as source of power. Most of these are male, Female and USB connectors.

Performance Indicators:      These are light indicator which shows fine performance or error on component of UPS.

vi)              Printer  

It is an output device which creates hard copies of computer files. The

Printer can specialize on one function or can be all in one case. Each Printer has name which is given in three connected section. The first section consist of Name of Manufacture, Printer name and series number respectively. Example of Printer Name Hp LaserJet 1035


                        The Printer Consist of the following parts:-

Paper Trays:  This is used to put papers that need printing services (Input Tray) or received printed service (Output Tray)


Front Door:   This door is used to when user wants to change cartridge, servicing/Repairing printer or removing paper jam.


Cartridge:      This is the printer Ink.


Power Switch: This is the button which is used to switch printer on or off


Ports:              This is used to connect Printer to System unit and source of power. A cable that goes to system unit sends signal for printing and Power cable goes to source of power. The Signal cable has USB or Parallel connector and Power cable has male or Female connector.

vii)           Scanner

This is the input device which is used to digitalize image or document. The digitalized image or document can be stored, printed or altered to new form.

The Scanner consists of the following parts:-

Image or Document Panel:   The place where item to be digitalized is put


Power Switch:           This is used to switch Scanner on or off.


Ports:  The scanner consists of two ports, namely: - Power port which connects it to source of power and Signal port which connect to system unit.

Controls Button: These are buttons which command the scanner to start

                                                 or cancel digitalizing image or document. 

viii)         Speaker

This is the output device which is used to give out sound. The speakers come in different design. Most Speakers are connected to Audio port in line out section.


Common Speakers has the following Parts:-

Ports: This is the connector which connects to system unit in audio port. Some speakers have Power cable which connect to source of Power


Volume and Quality Control Button:

            This buttons control intensity of sound and quality of sound.


ix)                Mic          This is the computer hardware which is used to enter sound in the

Computer. It is connected through audio port.


Other Devices

Most offices are occupied with other computer devices which come into contacts of users. These devices include:- Network Switch, Modem, Network Interface card, UTP Cables, Registered Jack 45 –RJ 45, Registered Jack 11 –RJ 11, Routers, and Digital Camera       

2.    Software

These are computer instructions which tell computer what to do. The Software are grouped into two, namely: - Operating system and Application Programs

a)   Operating System (OS)

These are computer instructions which are designed to control computer hardware and other application programs.

Operating system performs four basic functions. The four functions are:-

                                           i.            Control Hardware access

Operating systems have drives which are necessary for interaction between applications and hardware. These drivers are small instructions written by manufactures of hardware.


                                         ii.            Managing Files and Folders

Operating system is responsible of creating file structure on hard disk drives for data storage. There are two types files which are: -  program (system file or executable file) and data file (Application file). The two types of files are stored in folders (Directories) for easy retrieval and uses.

                                      iii.            Managing Application programs

Operating system has duty of locating, loading into RAM applications programs. Thus operating system ensures that applications have adequate system resources.


                                      iv.            Provision of User Interface

Operating system enables the user to interact with software and Hardware. There are two types of interface, namely:-

·         Command Line Interface:       The user types commands in the prompt

·         Graphical User Interface:        The user interact with the menus and icons

Examples of Computer operating system are:-

Mac Operating system developed by Apple Inc, Linux open source operating system, UNIX open source operating system, Ubuntu and Disk operating System (dos), Android, ISO and

Microsoft Window Operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. The most popular operating system. Some of the versions of Window are window 95, 2000, 2003, NT, XP, Vista, 7 and Window 8.

b)   Application Programs (AP)

These are computer instructions which are designed to perform specific task. They run under operating system in order to gain system resource like RAM and hardware access. The application programs are designed to perform everyday tasks like Creating web pages, documents, doing calculations, designing cards and sending email etc.  Like operation system written using programming language like: - C, C++, Visual basic and Java.


Examples of Applications programs are given below:-

Word Processor                 Microsoft office word, OpenOffice writer

Spreadsheet                       Microsoft Excel, Lotus, OpenOffice Calc

Graphics Software                        Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paintshop Pro

Web designing                  Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft

Database application         Microsoft Access, Oracle, Sequential Query Language –Sql

Accounting Application    Navision, Tally and Quick book

Statistical Package            Mystart, Statistical Package for Social Science-SPSS, Censor and Survey Professional Program-Cspro

Web browsers                   Internet Explorer, Mozira Firefox, Opera


Customizing with Window Environment

This section will enable user of Microsoft window Operating System to control different features of Window 7. These Features includes:- Switching On/Off Computer, Desktop Background, Screen saver, Window color, Sound effects, Gadgets, Icons, Folders, Status bar, System Clock, User Account, Running Files and Folders, Sizes of Files and Folders.  

Switching On Computer

The following steps can guide user; namely

1st Switch on Switched socket

2nd Switch on Uninterruptible power Supply (If available)

3rd Switch on System Unit (Central Processing Unit-CPU)

4th Switch on Monitor

5th Follow on Screen Instruction

6th Log on screen opens (If Set)

·         Select User Account

·         Enter Passwords (if Set)

·         Click Go (An arrow pointing right)

7th Desktop Window will open (Screen interface which will allow user to interact with computer)

Note that if your computer is not set with log on screen, then step 6th will not occur.

Switching Off Computer

The following steps can guide the user. The steps are:-

            1st Close any running application

            2nd Go to Taskbar then

·         Click start button

3th From the start menu

·         Click Shut down/Turn off Computer

4th Switch off Monitor

5th Switch off Uninterruptible power supply-UPS

6th Switch off switched sockets



Desktop Background

Desktop is the main screen display on a personal computer, from which windows may be opened and programs run.

Background is the image of the displays screen, on which windows, icons and other graphical items appear or It helps the computer to:-

·         Be Colorful (beautiful) or have an excellent look

·         Customize with Work environment

·         Show ownership

·         Advertise

Changing Desktop Background

The following steps can be followed in order to change desktop background. The steps are:-

            1st Click start button

            2nd From the start menu

·         Click Control Panel

3rd The Control Panel opens then

·         Click Appearance and Personalization

4th From the Appearance and Personalization dialogue box

·         Go to Personalization tab then

o   Click Change desktop Background

o   Select Picture

o   Select Picture Position (Centre, Tile, fill, fit, Stretch)

5th Click save Changes

6th Close (To close control panel)


1st Right Click the desktop

2nd From the Popup menu

·         Click Personalization

4th Appearance and Personalization box will open then

·         Click Desktop Background then

o   Select Picture

o   Select Position (Fill, Fit, Tiles, Stretch, center)

5th Click Save changes

6th Close

Desktop Themes

Is a customized graphical user interface that replaces a computer’s ordinary sounds, icons, pointer, and wallpaper or screen saver with a thing designed to reflect interest of the user. 

Changing Desktop Theme

The following steps can be followed in order to change desktop theme. The steps are:-

            1st Click start button

            2nd From the start menu

·         Click Control Panel

3rd The Control Panel opens then

·         Click Appearance and Personalization

4th From the Appearance and Personalization dialogue box

·         Go to Personalization tab then

o   Click Change the theme

o   Select theme (By Clicking)

5th Close (To close control panel)


1st Right Click the desktop

2nd From the Popup menu

·         Click Personalization

4th Appearance and Personalization box will open then

·         Select theme

6th Close




Window Colour

This is a solid colour which is applied to windows, menus, borders, title bar and the desktop. The window color helps to:

·         Make to window beautiful

·         Customize with office Environment

Changing Window Colour

The following steps can be followed in order to change desktop theme. The steps are:-

            1st Click start button

            2nd From the start menu

·         Click Control Panel

3rd The Control Panel opens then

·         Click Appearance and Personalization

4th From the Appearance and Personalization dialogue box

·         Go to Personalization tab then

o   Click Change the theme

o   Click Window colour

5th Window Colour and Appearance will open then

·         Select Item (Desktop)

·         Select Colour

6th Click Apply

7th Click Ok

5th Close (To close control panel)


1st Right Click the desktop

2nd From the Popup menu

·         Click Personalization

4th Appearance and Personalization box will open then

·         Select Window colour (By Clicking)

5th Window colour and Appearance will open  then

·         Select item (Desktop)

·         Select Colour

6th Click Apply

7th Click Ok

7th Close

Screen Saver

Is a computer program that blanks the screen of fill it with moving images or patterns when the computer is idle (Not in use).

Screen saver is used for:-

·         Entertainment

·         Security

·         Displaying system status information

Changing Screen Saver

The following steps can be followed in order to change desktop background. The steps are:-

            1st Click start button

            2nd From the start menu

·         Click Control Panel

3rd The Control Panel opens then

·         Click Appearance and Personalization

4th From the Appearance and Personalization dialogue box

·         Go to Personalization tab then

o   Click Change Screen saver

5th Screen saver setting dialogue box will open then

·         Select Screen saver

·         Enter waiting time

6th Click Apply

7th Click Ok

6th Close (To close control panel)



1st Right Click the desktop

2nd From the Popup menu

·         Click Personalization

4th Appearance and Personalization box will open then

·         Click Screen saver

5th Screen Saver dialogue box will open then

·         Select Screen Saver

·         Enter waiting time

6th Click Apply

7th Click Ok

8th Close


Is a small application (widget) that is designed to sit on the user’s desktop screen. They are used to:-

·         Perform simple function like displaying time, calendar or weather

·         Personalize desktop

·         Give updated information

Adding Gadgets on The Desktop         

Gadget can be added on the desktop by following these steps:-7

            1st Click Start button

            2nd From the Start menu

·         Click Control panel

3rd Control panel dialogue box will open then

·         Select Appearance and Personalization

4th Appearance and personalization opens then

·         Go to Desk top Gadgets then

o   Click add gadget to the desktop

5th Gadget dialogue box will open then

·         Select the gadget

·         Double click it or drag to the desktop (To add to the desktop)

6th Close the windows (That of Appearance and Gadgets)


1st Right Click the desktop

2nd From the Popup menu

·         Click Gadgets

3rd Gadgets dialogue box will open

·         Select gadget

·         Double click it or Drag to the desktop

4th Close gadget dialogue box

Changing Date and Time

To adjust date and time, follow the following steps:-

            1st Click start button

            2nd From the start menu

·         Click control panel

3rd Control panel opens then

·         Click Clock, Language and Region\

4th Clock, Language and Region dialogue will open then

·         Go to Date and Time then

o   Click Set the time and date

5th Date and Time dialogue box will open then

·         Select date and time tab then

o   Click Change date and time

6th Date and time setting dialogue box will open then

·         Adjust date

·         Adjust time

7th Click Ok

8th Click Apply

9th Close


            1st Right Click system clock on the taskbar

            2nd From the menu

·         Click Adjust date and time

3rd Date and time dialogue box then

·         Select Date and time tab then

o   Click Change date and time

4th Date and Time setting dialogue open then

·         Adjust Date

·         Adjust time

5th Click ok

6th Click Apply

7th Click ok


User Account

Is the collection of information that tells which files and folders the user of account can be accessed.  Users’ accounts have different levels of accessing files and folder depending on the account type. There are three account types, namely: - Administrative accounts, Standard Account and Guest Account. User accounts help to:-

·         Secure computer system

·         Maintain the interest of users

Adding User Account

Procedures of Creating User Account

Follow the following steps to create user account:-

            1st Click start button

            2nd From the start menu

·         Click Control panel

3rd Control panel dialogue box will open then

·         User Account and Family Safety

4th User Account and Family Safety will open then

·         Go to  User Account then

o   Click Add or Remove User Account

5th Manage Account will open then Click

·         Click Create Account then

o   Enter Account name

o   Select Account Type

6th Click Create Account

7th Close.


These are small pictures found on the computer desktop which represent computer programs, files or folders. The Icons can be arranged either automatically or manually through Dragging.

Arranging Desktop Icon

 To arrange the Icon follow the following steps|:-

            1st Go to Desktop

            2nd Right Click the Desktop

            3rd From the popup menu

·         Go to View then

·         From the view sub menu

o   Click Auto arrange icons


            1st Select icon

            2nd Drag the icon to new position

Sorting Icons

Icons can be arranged on the desktop depending on the type, names, date of modification and size. The art of arranging is what we call Sorting.

To sort icons on the desktop follow the following steps:-

            1st Right click the desktop

            2nd From the popup menu

·         Go to sort by

·         From the sort by submenu the

o   Click name, size, date of modification or type


A file is a block of related data that is given a single name and treated as a single unit. File are stored on storage devices like Hard disk (Local disk C or Drive C), Flash Disk, Memory card, Diskettes (Drive A) through saving or in Compact Disk, Video Compact Disk or Digital Video Disk through burning.

To create file follow the following steps:-

            1st Identify the task

            2nd Select and open program

            3rd Perform task identified

            4th Click office button

            5th From the list of commands

·         Click Save as

4th From Save as dialogue box then

·         Select  storage device

·         Enter file name

5th Click save

File can be identified using its extension or the log it carries. Examples of file and their extension:-

            Microsoft Word files                          Doc

            Microsoft Excel file                            exl      

            Microsoft Publisher file                      pub

            Microsoft access                                 dbm




Folders are the containers in the storage device used to store files. Folders has a capability of storing other folder, thus the folder that is contained in other folder is called subfolder or file folder. Folder as used to:-

·         Store files

·         Organizes files in sensible manner

·         Make easy retrieval of data

Creating Folder on the Desktop

To create folder follow the following steps:-

            1st Right click the desktop

            2nd From the popup menu

·         Go to New

3rd From the New Submenu

·         Click New folder

4th Enter folder name

5th Enter

Selecting Files or Folders

User of computer system can either select one or more file at a time. The file or folder is selected in order to open/run, delete, restored or renamed.

To select single file, follow the following steps:-

            1st Open storage device

2nd Go to the file or folder 

            2nd Click file

To Select Multiple File, follow the following steps:-

            1st Open Storage device

            2nd Select the first file/Folder

            3rd Press Control (Ctrl) on the keyboard

            4th Without releasing Crtl, keep on selecting other files or folder (Crtl + selecting


5th Released when finished

Creating Folder on Other Storage Devices

To create folders on other storage devices, follow the following steps:-

1st Open Computer (Double Click computer Icon on the Desktop)

            2nd Select Storage location

            3rd Click New folder

            4th Enter folder name

            5th Enter



1st Open storage device

            2nd Right click

            3rd From the menu

·         Go to New

4th From the New submenu

·         Click New folder

5th Enter folder name

6th Enter


Renaming Folder or file

Folder or file can be renamed for security purpose, making copy (It is not advised to have two file with same name in same storage device), adjusting to meaningful name or making correction.

To rename folder or file follow the following steps:-

1st Select file /folder

            2nd Right click the folder/file

            3rd From the Menu

·         Click Rename

4th Enter new name (write new name)

5th Enter


0r         1st Select file or folder

            2nd click organize

3rd from the list of commands in the organize menu

·         Click Rename

4th Enter New name

5th Enter

Deleting Folder or file

Unwanted and obsolete files and Folder are deleted. Deleted files and folders are stored in the Recycle Bin.

To delete folder or file follow the following steps:-


1st Select file /folder

            2nd Right click the folder/file

            3rd From the Menu

·         Click Delete

4th Click Yes


            1st Select file or folder

            2nd click organize

3rd from the list of commands in the organize menu

·         Click Delete

4th Click Yes


 Restore folder or File

The file or folders which were deleted accidentally can be returned to its original location using restore command.

To restore file or folder follow the following steps:-


1st Open Recycle bin

            2nd Select file or folder

            3rd Click restore item



1st Open Recycle bin

            2nd Select file or folder

            3rd Right Click folder or file

            4th From the menu

·         Click Restore


Empty Recycle bin

Deleted files in the recycle bin can be removed completely and this process is called empty Recycle bin.

To empty recycle bin follow the following steps:-

            1st Open Recycle bin

            2nd Click Empty Recycle bin

Checking Files and Folder sizes

User of Computer uses alphabet (letters), number and symbol. Each single letter, number or symbol is referred as one character and these make size of file and finally folder.

The unit of data is called Byte. The byte is therefore a unit of data that is eight binary digits long. Other units are:- bit, kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and Terabyte, petabyte and Exabyte. In these context binary digit is referred to Zero and 1 (0,1

The relationships between these units are shown below:-



Bit (b)


One Byte =8 bit

Byte (B)



One Kilobyte=1024 Byte


Kilobyte (KB)



One Megabyte = 1024 Kilobyte


Megabyte (MB)



One Gigabyte=1024 Megabyte


Gigabyte (GB)



One Terabyte =1024 Gigabyte


Terabyte (TB)


Physical Configuration of Computer system

This is referred as arrangement and connection of basic hardware so as to work as a unit hence a computer system.  In this context the basic hardwares which are referred here are: - System Unit -CPU, Monitor, Uninterruptible Power Supply –UPS, Keyboard, Mouse and printer.

There are simple rules to be followed in order to configure the system properly, these are:-

1.      Use symbols, Colour and Shapes to connect (ports)

2.      Use ZIF (Zero Insertion force). Use reasonable amount of force to connect cable and connector

3.      Switch off sources of electricity.

Physical Configuration can be followed as follows:-

            1st Arrange the Hardware in appropriate desk position

            2nd Connect both power and signal cables using the following order

·         Connect System unit(CPU) with Monitor

o   Install Signal cable (VGA cable)

·         Connect Monitor With Uninterruptible Power Supply –UPS

o   Install Power cable or

o   Monitor With Switched socket if UPS is not available

·         Connect Keyboard with System unit (CPU)

·         Connect Mouse with System Unit (CPU)

·         Connect Printer with System Unit  (CPU)

·         Connect Printer with Switched sockets

·         Connect System Unit (CPU) with Uninterruptible Power Supply or

o   Install Power cable with Switched socket if UPS is not available

            3rd Test the system (By Switching On/Off)




